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1.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Jun TAKAHASHI, Takayuki UTASHIRO, Akiyuki MASHIMO, Noboru SUGIMOTO and Hiroyasu IKEDA: Flow Visualization of ER Fluids between Two-Parallel-Plate Electrodes, Proceedings of The Third Asian Symposium on Visualization, 1994.5, pp.442-447


2. Yuichirou ISHII, Yoshihiko YONEZAWA, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Ryouko SUZUKI, Susumu ISHII, Flow Visualization in a Three-Dimensional Poppet Valve, Proceedings of Fourth Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization(FLUCOME'94), 1994.8&9, pp.1095-1099


3.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Jun Takahashi, Takayuki Utashiro, Akiyuki Mashimo, Noboru Sugimoto and Hiroyasu Ikeda: Behavior of ER Fluids between Two Parallel-Plate Electrodes, Proceedings of The Pacific Conference on Rheology and Polymer, 1994.9, pp.54-55


4.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Naoyuki FURUSE: Flow Characteristics of ER Fluids Between Concentric Cylinders, Developments in Electrorheological Flows and Measurement Uncertainty, ASME-FED-Vol.205,ASME-AMD-Vol.190, 1994.11, pp.7-14


5.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Yoshikazu Suzuki: A Computer Simulation of Flow in an Axisymmetric Poppet Valve Using the Vortex Method, Proceedings of the 2nd Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, 'Experimental and Numerical Flow Visualization -1995-', ASME-FED-Vol.218,,1995.8, pp.103-108


6.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Yoshikazu Suzuki: Numerical Simulation of an Unsteady Axisymmetric Flow in a Poppet Valve Using the Vortex Method, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Vortex Flows and Related Numerical Methods,1995.8, pp.48-49


7.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Takauki Utashiro: Flow Characteristics of ER Fluids Between Two Parallel-Plate Electrodes, Developments in Electrorheological Flows-1995, ASME-FED-Vol.235,1995.11, pp.37-42


8.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Hirokazu SUMIKAWA, Takashi SUMITA and Takehiko SATO: Cavitation in Hydraulic Holding Valve」, Proceedings of the Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting-1996- "Cavitation and Gas-Liquid Flows in Fluid Machinery and Devices",ASME-FED-Vol.236,Vol.1, 1996.7, pp.373-378


9.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Norihiko TANAKA: The Effect of Electrical Change on the Shear Stress in ER Fluids(Frequency Response), Rheology & Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials -1996- ,ASME-AMD-Vol.217,1996.11, pp.287-292


10.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Hirokazu SUMIKAWA, Takashi SUMITA and Takehiko SATO: Flow Visualization in Hydraulic Holding Valve, Proc.of third JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, pp.437-441, Yokohama'96, November 4-6, 1996


11.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Ken-ichi Hori: Pressure Response of ER Fluids between Two Parallel-Plate Electrodes, Proc. of International Conference on Electro-Rheological Suspensions and their Applications, July,1997, pp.143-144


12.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Ken-ichi Hori: Flow Visualization of ER Fluids for Sinusoidal Electric fields, Proceedings of Fifth Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization(FLUCOME'97), 1997, Sept.,pp.827-832


13.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Ken-ichi HORI: Invited paper"Flow Characteristics of Electrorheological Fluids", Rheology & Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials -1997- ,ASME-FED-Vol.243, MD-Vol.78, 1997.11, pp.197-205


14.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Ken-ichi Hori: Pressure Response of ER Fluids between Two Parallel-Plate Electrodes, Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Electro-Rheological Fluids, Magneto-Rheological Suspensions and their Applications, 1998, World Scientific, pp.294-301


15.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Ken-ichi HORI and Hidemasa TSURUMAKI: Flow Visualization of ER Fluids between Two Parallel Plates, 8th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 1998,Sept.1-4, Sorrento CD Rom Proceedings, pp.216.1-216.6


16.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Shigeaki Saito: Yoshinobu Asako and Toshihiro Kawakami: Shear Stress of ER Suspensions, Rheology & Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials -1998- ,ASME-FED- Vol.246, MD-Vol.81, 1998.11, pp.153-158


17.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Hidemasa TSURUMAKI, Yoshinobu ASAKO and Toshihiro KAWAKAMI: Pressure Drop and Cluster Formation of ER Suspensions, 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference & FED Summer Meeting/Exhibition, Proceedings of the 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 1999.6, CD Rom Proceedings FEDSM99-7135(F211)


18.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI: Flow Analysis in Oil Hydraulic Valve Using Vortex Method, 3rd International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control, 1999,Sept.7-9, Harbin, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control, pp.-67-72


19.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Shigeaki Saito, Yoshinobu ASAKO and Toshihiro KAWAKAMI: Measurement of Shear Stress in ER Suspensions, Proc.of fourth JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power Tokyo'99, pp.365-370, November 15-17, 1999


20.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Shinsuke TANABE,: ER effect in Liquid Crystal, Rheology & Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials -2000- ,ASME-FED-Vol.252,2000.11, pp.139-142


21.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Shinsuke Tanabe: ER Effect of Liquid Crystal Flowing between Two Parallel-Plate Electrodes, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Electro-rheological(ER) Fluids and Magneto-rheological(MR) Suspensions,July 9-13, 2001, Nice, World Scientific, pp.-


22.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Shinsuke TANABE: Pressure drop of liquid crystal flowing between two parallel-plate electrodes, Rheology & Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials -2001- ,ASME-FED-Vol.255 ,2001.11, pp165-171, ASME


23.Hong GAO, Professor Xin FU, Huayong YANG and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI: Numerical and experimental investigation of cavitating flow within hydraulic poppet valve, Proceedings of 3rd International Fluid Power Conference, Aachen, Germany,2002, 3, pp.331-339


24.GAO Hong、FU Xin, YANG Huayong and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI:Numerical and experimental investigation of cavitating flow in oil hydraulic ball valve:Proc.of 5th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, NARA 2002, Vol.3,pp.923-928, November 14-16, 2002.


25.Fu Xin、Ji Hong、Yang Huayong and Tetsuhiro Tsukiji:Investigation into Cavitation induced Noise within Hydraulic Relief Valve:Proc.of 5th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, NARA 2002, Vol.2,pp.409-412, November 14-16, 2002.


26.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Tsuyoshi MITANI:Influence of Electric Fields on Pressure Drop of liquid crystal mixture:2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,November 17-22,2002, New Orleans, Louisiana, Vol.1


27.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji ,Yohei Yamamoto and Hong Gao:Flow analysis inside the suction chamber of a compressor for automotive air-conditioner:Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Wuhan,2003,pp.554-559,April 7-10


28.Hong Gao ,Fu Xin, Yang Huayong and Tetsuhiro Tsukiji:Flow visualization and noise measurement in hydraulic relief valve:Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Wuhan,2003,pp.574-577,April 7-10


29.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Tsuyoshi MITANI:Influence of Electric Fields on Flow of Liquid Crystal Mixture in a Circular Tube with Electrode Surfa:4rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference & FED Summer Meeting/Exhibition, Proceedings of the 4rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Hawaii,USA, July 6-11,2003, CD Rom Proceedings FEDSM2003-45047


30.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Yuko MATSUBARA:Flow Simulation around a Rotating Circular Cylinder with surface roughness by the Vortex Method:4rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference & FED Summer Meeting/Exhibition, Proceedings of the 4rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Hawaii, USA, July 6-11,2003, CD Rom Proceedings FEDSM2003-45622


31.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Gaku Matsumoto,Kiyokazu NAGATA and Futoshi YOSHIDA :Flow Visualization inside an Oil Hydraulic Ball Valve During Cavitation:Proceedings of Seventh Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (FLUCOME'03), Sorrento, Italy, 2003, Aug.25-28, CD Rom Proceedings ID-190.


32.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI:Flow Analysis in Control Valve Using A Vortex Method:1st International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology, Melbourne, Australia 26-28 November 2003. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology pp.59-67.


33.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI,Eitaro KOYABU, Taizo SATO and Yusuke NAKAMURA : Flow Analysis around the Suction Valve and the Measurment of the Valve Displacement in a Reciprocating Compressor for an Automotive Air-Conditioner, 8th International Conference on FLOW-INDUCED VIBRATIONS, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France, 6-9 July 2004


34.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Yohei Yamamoto: Computational Modeling of Gas-Particle Two-Phase Jet by a 3-D Vortex Method,International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, ICCES'04 Madeira, Portugal 26-29 July 2004


35.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Gaku MATSUMOTO, Shouzou SAKURA, Kiyokazu NAGATA and Futoshi YOSHIDA: Improvement of an oil hydraulic ball valve using visualization technique,11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FLOW VISUALIZATION, August 9-12, 2004, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.


36.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Eitaro KOYABU: FLOW CHARACTERISTICS OF A LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURE IN A CIRCULAR PIPE ELECTRODE, The Ninth International Conference on Electrorheological(ER) Fluids and Magneto-rheological(MR) Suspensions, Aug.29-Sept.3, Beijing, China.


37.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Eitaro KOYABU, Tomohiro TSUJI and Shigeomi CHONO:Flow characteristics of a liquid crystal mixture in the circular pipe electrodes:First International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai International Center, November 11-12,2004.


38.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Gaku Matsumoto, Shozo Sakura, Kiyokazu Nagata and Futoshi Yoshida:Visualization Analysis in an Oil Hydraulic ball valve and Improvement, The sixth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and control(ICFP’2005), Hangzhou China, 5-8 April 2005. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and control(ICFP’2005) pp.23-27.


39.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Yuko Matsubara,: Simulation of flow past a rotating circular cylinder using the vortex method, Fourth Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations(bbviv), Santorini, Greece, 21-24 June 2005. Proceedings of Fourth Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations(bbviv), pp.141-144.


40.E, Koyabu, T, Tsukiji, Y.Matsumura and T. Sato: Study on Improvement of the suction valve using PIV technique, 2005 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 17-21, 2005, Denver, Colorado USA, Proceedings of PVP2005.


41. T. Tsukiji, K.Nakayama and H. Tanaka: Flow analysis in an artificial tornado, Proceedings of Eighth International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (FLUCOME'05), Chengdu, China, 2005, Aug.22-25, CD Rom Proceedings ID-217.


42.T.Tsukijiand Y. Matsubara: Flow simulation around a rotating circular cylinder using the vortex method, The Sixth European Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN2005, Paris, France, Sept.4-7, 2005, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Vol.2,


43.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Yuji MURATA and Jun ITO: Flow of a Liquid Crystal Mixture in a Mini-Cylinder under Rotating Electric Fields, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Fluid Power Tsukuba 2005, Nov.7-10, pp.595-600.


44.Taizo SATO, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Yoshihito MATSUMURA and Eitaro KOYABU: STUDY ON IMPROVEMENT OF THE SUCTION VALVE OF A COMPRESSOR FOR AN AUTOMOTIVE AIR-CONDITIONER, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Fluid Power Tsukuba 2005, Nov.7-10, pp.795-800.


45.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Kenta SUZUKI, Kazunori HAYAKAWA and Yuji MURATA: Developments of micro-pump and motor using Dielectrophoresis of liquid, The 11th Annual International Conference of Micro and Nano Systems Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida on August 27-31, 2006.


46.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Hiroki Sato and Kenta SUZUKIBasic Study on Functional Fluid Pump,
5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluid Engineering Conference, FEDSM2007-37543, SanDiego, Caifornia, July 30-August 2, 2007


47.Eitaro KOYABU, Ken- ichi FUNAZAKI and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI:Studies onWake- Induced Bypass Transition of Flat-Plate Boundary Layers Enhanced Free-Stream Turbulence,
International Gas Turbine Congress 2007 Tokyo 9th Congress in Japan, Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, Tokyo, December 2(Sun.)-7 (Fri.), 2007. Proceedings, p.142.


48.Liang CHENG, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Kazunori HAYAKAWA, and Xiao dong RUAN,:Study on Motors Using Liquid Crystal Flow induced by Electric Fiel
d,7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power Toyama 2008, Toyama International Conference Center, 15-18 September 2008
Proceedings of the 7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, pp.833-836


49.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Hiroki SATO:Basic Characteristics of a Liquid Crystal Pump,7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power Toyama
2008, Toyama International Conference Center, 15-18 September 2008 Proceedings of the 7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, pp.


50.Ryo Fuchimoto and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI: Study on Liquid Crystal Pump, 10th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurement
and Visualiozation(FLUCOME 2009), Moscow, Russia, 2009, Aug.17-21, CD ROM Proceedings ID-157.


51.Kanako Komuro and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI: Study on Vortical Structure of a Tranverse Jet Using CFD, 10th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualiozation(FLUCOME 2009),Moscow, Russia, 2009, Aug.17-21, CD ROMProceedings ID-156.


52.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Kosuke Yoshida and Kazuya Yokoyama: Influence of Electric and Magnetic Fields on Pressure Drop of Liquid Crystalline Flow between Parallel Plates, The 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2009), Xi'an, China, September 20th-24th, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp.635-636, 2009


53.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji: Pump Using Nematic Liquid Crystalline Flow Under Application of Electric Field, The 12th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetororheological Suspensions, Philadelphia, USA, Aug.16-20, 2010


54.Kenta Kodama, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Syun Nishimura: Study on Liquid Crystalline Flow Induced by Direct Electric Field, Proceedinds of the 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization ASV11-99-19, Niigata, June 5-9, 2011.


55.Osamu Abe, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Takeshi Hara and Kazutoshi Yasunaga: Pressure Drop of Pipe Flow in a Manifold Block, Proceedings of the 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization ASV11-99-27, Niigata, June 5-9, 2011.


56.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Shinsuke Katsumata: CFD Analysis in a Non-Contact Holder, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011, AJK2011-FED, No.AJK2011-03020, July 24-29, 2011 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka.


57.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Kensuke Nakayama, Keiji Saito and Shinji Yakabe: Study on the Cavitating Flow in an Oil Hydraulic Pump, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, ThP1.5, P0066, August 17-20, 2011, Beijing China.


58.Kenta Kodama, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Shun Nishimura: Study on Liquid Crystalline Flow Induced by Direct Current Electric Field, 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 6-9 September 2011, Napoli, Italy.


59. Osamu Abe, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Takeshi Hara and Kazutoshi Yasunaga: Pressure Drop of Pipe Flow in a Manifold Block, Proceedings of the 8th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, pp.204-210, October 25-28, 2011 Okinawa.


60. Kenta Kodama, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Shun Nishimura, Proceedings of the 8th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, pp.448-455, October 25-28, 2011 Okinawa


61. Keiji Takeuchi, Susumu Fujimoto, Eitaro Koyabu and Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Proceedings of the 2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, CD-ROM, IMECE2012-86486


62. Kohei Miyahara, Kenta Kodama and Tetsuhiro Tsukiji,Proceedings of the 2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, CD-ROM, IMECE2012-8648


63. Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Kohei MIYAHARA, Study on Pump using Liquid Crystalline Flow under Electric Field, International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM). Abstract Book of the 16th edition of the International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp.127-128. From July 31 to August 2, 2013 at the University Laval in Quebec, Canada.


64. Eri Kanazawa1, Daiki Igarashi1 , Osamu Abe, Tetushiro Tsukiji1, Kazutoshi Yasunaga, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization, FLUCOME 2013, Paper No.OS1-02-3, Nara, Nov. 18-23, 2013


65. Kei Watanabe, Rina Nakagawa, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Mariko Watanabe, Keiji Saito, Shinji Yakabe, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization, FLUCOME 2013, Paper No. OS1-01-1, Nara, Nov. 18-23, 2013


66. Tomohiro WATANABE, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Mizuki I, Taira OMIYA, Characteristic of Non-contact Holder with Two Swirling Flows, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization, FLUCOME 2013, Paper No. OS3-01-3,Nara, Nov. 18-23, 2013


67. Ryo MORINAGA, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Taira OMIYA, STUDY ON A NONCONTACT HOLDER USING AIR FLOW, Proceedings of the 9th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, MATSUE, October 28-31, 2014, pp.267-271


68. Keitaro HAMADA, Kohei MIYAHARA and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Study on a Pump Using Functional Fluid Flow, Proceedings of the 9th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, MATSUE, October 28-31, 2014, pp.564-570


69. Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Keitaro HAMADA, Study on EHD Pump with Multi-holes Electrode, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Paper No. 2P2-F-1 isem 2015-104, September 15,2015.


70. Junichi SUEMATSU, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Mariko WATANABE,Shinji YAKABE,Hirohito WATANABE,Yoshinari NAKAMURA,Kazunari SUZUKI, Experimental and numerical flow analysis in hydraulic vane pump, Proceedings of 2015 Autumn Conference on Drive & Control, pp.3-7, October 22, 2015


71. Proceedings of the 2016 Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control FPMC2016, September 7-9, 2016, Bath, UK
Characteritics Presiction of vane pump with rich gases contaminated hydraulic oil, Yoshinari Nakamura, Sinji Yakabe, Kazunari Suzuki, Hirohito Watanabe, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, FPMC2016-1772.


72. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, A Non-Contact holder by a diffuser effect, T. Morisawa, R. Morinaga, T.Tsukiji and S. Kiyama, ISTP27-014, 20-23. Sep. 2016, Honolulu, USA


73. Takuya Morisawa, Ryoichi Suzuki, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, CHARACTERISTIC OF PNEUMATIC NON-CONTACT HOLDER WITH TWO SWIRLING FLOWS, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2017-69249, July 30-Aug 3, 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA


74. Takahiro SHIMIZU, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Characteristics of EHD Pump with Multi-holes Electrode, 18th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM) 2017, Chamonix Mont Blanc, France, from 3 to 6 September, 2017.


75. Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Keitaro HAMADA, Takahiro SHIMIZU, Pump using EHD Fluid, The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, FUKUOKA 2017, Oct.24-27, 2017


76. Takuya MORISAWA, Yojiro YANO, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Ryoichi SUZUKI, A NON-CONTACT HOLDER USING AIR FLOW, The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, FUKUOKA 2017, Oct.24-27, 2017


77. Junichi SUEMATSU, Shunsuke AKIYOSHI, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Yoshinari NAKAMURA, Kazunari SUZUKI, Flow analysis in a vane pump, The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, FUKUOKA 2017, Oct.24-27, 2017


78. Extended Abstract of the Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Investigation of the Dynamic Characteristics of Small-Scale Fire Whirls Using Numerical Simulation, Koki Okamoto, Mariko Watanabe, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, TFEC9-1183, October 28-30, 2017, Okinawa


79.CFD Analysis in an Oil Hydraulic Vane Pump, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Shunsuke AKIYOSHI, Yoshinari NAKAMURA, Kazunari SUZUKI, Proceedings of the 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics #2018479, New York City, 2018, July 22-27


80.CFD analysis of EHD flow in the circular pipe with electrodes, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Takahiro Shimizu, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods Paper No.3081, August 6th-10th 2018, Rome, Italy.


81.Application of the EHD Flow to a Pump, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Taisei TAJIMA and Rei SUZUKI, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'18), Madrid, Spain, August 16-18, 2018, Paper No. HTFF 117,Poster, DOI: 10.11159/htff18.117


82.Flow Visualization of EHD Fluid near Electrodes, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Taisei TAJIMA, Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology, Paper No. IRSET-0157, Poster, August 28-30, 2018, Singapore


83.Numerical simulation of nematic liquid crystalline flow under direct electric field, T. Tsukiji and S. Nishimura, 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Paper No. 107, 09-13 September 2018, Vienna, Austria


84.Flow analysis of EHD fluid in a circular pipe with electrodes, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Takahiro Shimizu, 29th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, ISTP29, Paper No. 061, October 30 - November 2, 2018, Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu HI, U.S.A.


85.DEVELOPMENT OF THE PNEUMATIC NON-CONTACT HOLDER, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Ryousuke Kondou, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2018, Paper Number: IMECE2018-86618, November 9-15, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


86.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Research and Development of Circular Pipe Pump using EHD Fluid, Proceedings of the IX ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2019, pp.1753-1759, July 2019.


87.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Ryousuku minami, Flow control using plasma actuator, The 8th International Congress on Natural Sciences and Engineering, February 25-27, 2019, Fukuoka, Japan.


88.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, EHD Pump of Simple Structure with Circular Pipe Electrodes, The 2019 4th International Conference on Smart Engineering Materials (ICSEM 2019), March 9-11, 2019 Auckland, New Zealand.


89.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Taisei Tajima, Flow properties of EHD fluid in a simple flow channel, FLUCOME 2019, May 27-30, 2019 Naples, Italy.


90.Tetsuhiro Tsukiji and Takuya Hirano, Flow separation control near curved wall using plasma actuator, The 9th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, August 06-08, 2019, Hawaii, USA.


91.Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI and Hiroki Takase, CFD analysis of flow around a serrated Feather, 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Aug.14-16,2019, New York City, U.S.A.
